Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Commander Salek and the crew of the Dragohawk

Captain's Blog Stardate 201112.14

The Noble Commander Salek and his crew of the Dragohawk

Between Soccer, football (Saints and LSU), family and getting ready for our second child, I finally got a chance to complete my Romulans over the last week. I still have some more Starfleet Crew to paint up.

Next up, civilians that I ordered from Blue Moon Manufacturing (Plains Indians and Townsfolk to convert), GZG, 15mm co, and RAFM. I will be completing these in stages.

I also ordered some buildings from GameCraft Miniatures for Christmas. While I was at it, I e-mailed them to see if they would be interested in making starship interiors. I recieved a promising response from Allen.