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Those are going to look great. Like how they seem to have angled windows. What are they btw, will have to try to get hold of some.
ReplyDeleteLOL, there's going to be a lot of puzzled electricians wondering why it's suddenly so hard to get these electrical boxes.
ReplyDeleteSetup looks really good - I wonder if we have something similar down here in New Zealand?
Blackstone, they are electrical boxes that I trimmed down.
ReplyDeleteClever idea: evidence of a fertile creative imagination.
ReplyDeleteHow did you end up removing the flanges from the side.
ReplyDeleteNice move. That'll come in handy for a host of sci-fi games.
ReplyDeleteEli, to remove the flanges I used a hacksaw and a razorsaw.
ReplyDeleteSayyyy, those look familiar.... :-)
I'm working on painting up my Astro Crew as we speak -- I love the Rom and Klingon conversions! Might have to get a second pack for that!
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