Sunday, August 25, 2013

2500 scale ships

Captain's Blog Stardate 201308.25

I got this in from Del (Multi-Verse Models) the other day.  It is a resin copy of my M-4 Strike Cruiser I submitted for AllScaleTrek's contest.

These are also from Del.  From left to right Fon-Tudor, Fon-Tudor refit, and Ral'Nassa class ships.
These are some of the cleanest castings I have ever seen of resin ships. 
I am planning on using the Fon-Tudor as a TOS ship to go along with my TOS era  ships and I am planning on using the Fon-Fudor refit to go along with my TMP era ships.  The Federation had to have made first contact with the Cardassians at some point prior to the TNG era, and I believe that it was probibly made by Kirk :)