Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Board Game Box Ship Interior

Captain's Blog Stardate 201306.19

My gaming buddy made this out of a board game box.  The walls are made from foam board and he found the tiles on the internet.  As you can see it is not quite finished.  The walls need to be added to the top side of the box.  We are planning on looking for some Trek style tiles for a Trek version in the future.  This box is a little too tall.  I am thinking a Risk size box because of the height for the next version. 

We have been discussing the possibility of making the floor out of an actual board game's board that would fit in the box and would have pre-cut slots to put walls in.  The walls would be precut from another board and the interior of the box walls would have printed tiles as well.  In other words, open the box up and you would have an instant ship (dungeon/apartment building, etc.) interior already set up.

These are some pictures I took recently.