Captain's Blog Stardate 201204.15
I got the minis in that I ordered from in the other day. I think that it took less than two weeks for the order to arrive.
I also ordered these from
Kremlin Minatures at the same time. I received an e-mail from Russ stating that they were air mailed. I am expecting them tomorrow :)
Talk about fast service from both companies!!!

On a side note, a
Hobby Town opened up in my neighborhood last week. I an excited because now I am able to buy styrene and other harder to find hobby supplies locally instead of ordering it online. We have a Hobby Lobby, Michael's and a couple of comic book/hobby stores, but nothing that carries modeling supplies like Hobby Town. The cool thing is that the store is about a 10 min walk from the house and is on a fun route for my son and I because we can also walk by the local coulee for an adventure.